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2024 Elections

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Jun 30, 2024
Did Trump win in the first US Presidential Debate? What does this survey say?

A recent survey by Schoen Cooperman Research showed that in the first US Presidential Debate, 51% of respondents felt Donald Trump won, compared to 23% for Joe Biden. Despite Trump's debate victory, his narrow lead over Biden remains unchanged. There are calls to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee, but party rules pose challenges.

Jun 27, 2024
Presidential Debate - Trump blames Biden's immigration policies for violent crime in the US

Former President Donald Trump claimed that Americans are “living right now in a rat’s nest” due to rising crime in the country which he associated with more immigrants entering

Jun 27, 2024
Presidential Debate : Trump hits out at the state of Social Security and Medicare

Former President Donald Trump mentioned the current state of Social Security and Medicare, two entitlement programs that many Americans rely on but which are facing potential problems in the future.

Jun 24, 2024
US Presidential Polls 2024: Donald Trump wins New Hampshire’s GOP primary

Donald Trump's win in New Hampshire's GOP primary hinders Nikki Haley's bid as his challenger. Despite her efforts to critique Trump and offer herself as a unifying alternative, Haley faces an uphill battle in reshaping the Republican nomination race.

May 24, 2024
Trump to address Libertarian Party convention this weekend

Former President Donald Trump is set to speak at the Libertarian Party convention in Washington this Saturday.

May 23, 2024
Trump makes pitch to black and Latino voters in New York

Donald Trump has held a campaign rally in New York's South Bronx neighbourhood as he seeks to win over black and Latino voters ahead of November's presidential election.

May 23, 2024
Nikki Haley says she'll be 'voting for Trump'

The former presidential candidate made the comment during her first public appearance since her campaign

Mar 25, 2024
Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Appeals Court Ruling

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Appeals Court Ruling