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2024 Elections

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Mar 07, 2024
Improving Education and Protecting Parents’ Rights

Joe Biden’s Education Department is more focused on social justice indoctrination than teaching students. President Donald J. Trump protected the rights of parents and ensured children have every opportunity to receive the best education possible.

Mar 07, 2024
Renewing American Strength and Leadership Around the World

President Donald J. Trump rebuilt America’s military, increased readiness, and destroyed our nation’s enemies. Joe Biden has weakened America’s national security, emboldened our adversaries, and betrayed our allies.

Mar 06, 2024
Statement from President Donald J. Trump Before Nikki Haley’s Speech

Statement from President Donald J. Trump Before Nikki Haley’s Speech

Mar 06, 2024
Trump wins big

The former president continued his run of dominance in the Republican nominating contest

Mar 04, 2024
More Than 100 Utah Leaders Have Endorsed Donald J. Trump For President

More than 100 Republican leaders across Utah have endorsed President Donald J. Trump

Mar 04, 2024
ICYMI: “Across the Board, Voters Give Better Marks to Trump’s Policies Than Biden’s”

Voters Give Better Marks to Trump’s Policies Than Biden’s”

Mar 03, 2024
US Elections 2024: Donald Trump moves one step ahead for GOP nomination, beats Nikki Haley in Michigan, Missouri

Former President Donald Trump swept two more Republican presidential nominating contests on Saturday, beating rival Nikki Haley in Missouri and winning all of Michigan’s remaining delegates.